Friday, February 4, 2011


So i'm currently at work feeling very out of it ( i took some very nice high strength pain killers courtesy of my boss). 

I've been so sick since about Tuesday this week. It all started with being all emotion and crying over really small things, then all of a sudden i had a pounding headache, my entire body was aching from head to toe, i got hot and cold flushes and felt completely miserable. 

I never really get sick so it was a pretty big thing for me. So i told myself if i still had it in the morning i'd take myself to the doctors. 
Well the exact moment i woke up, the headache was still there! I could barely even get out of bed i was that achy. So i waited for an hour at the doctors to be seen.

This middle eastern Dr calls out my name. I follow him into the room.
I graphically describe my symptoms and he has a quick look in my ears and barely a glance down my throat.

"You have a common viral infection it will be gone tomorrow, take some panadol.'


I almost started crying. You can't tell me i'm feeling so shitty and miserable right now and panadol is going to cure it!?

Panadol doesn't work for me at the best of times, i take 4 and it won't even begin to relieve my headache.

I said to him 'Well.. i think it's much worse than that' he said 'Okay' and i left.

My grandmother was waiting outside for me and i started crying as soon as i saw her.

I know it seems strange to cry over that, but i felt... stupid, like he didn't believe me or how i felt wasn't valid.

So every day for the last 4 days it's gotten progressively worse. First the glands became incredibly swollen (They are sticking out of my neck!) then for some reason my gums became really tender and sore, particularly around a certain front tooth. Then i got an ulcer on my gums underneath my tongue, now my teeth are sooooo sore. My tonsils are enlarged and now i can't eat or drink without a lot of pain..

I mean it's good i can't eat, but i feel so dehydrated and drinking water is so painful (because it's so heavy aswell)

So I went to go to another Dr's last night, but whatddya know.. the entire suburb is flooding and the Dr's surgery is out of power and 8 of their rooms are flooded out. Great, just great.
It was soo scary, my backyard flooded, the pond was overflowing into the garden and the goldfish were swimming amongst the flowers. 

Down the end of my street the water level was rising and got to waist deep. My little sister-in-law and her friends were boogey boarding down the street.

It was really scary actually..

ANYWAY i had to work yesterday and today. It was so difficult to work up enough willl power to get myself on a train at 7:00am in the morning then riding that for 40 minutes then catching another bus and walking up hill. Fml. 

My boss said 'Why didn't you tell me you were that sick you could have stayed home!'. But i was doing her  a favour coming in on a Sat and i didn't want to go against my word (also that's an extra 90 dollars in my pocket!)  
So she was kind enough to give me the good pain killers and i'm feeling a lot better (for now)


  1. Oh poor thing!
    Ohmygosh that exact thing happened to me. I got an ulcer under my tongue just where my tongue stud was so I had to take it out because it rubbed, and then it closed, which sucked. And then my gums ached and my wisdom teeth started coming out. Then I felt like shit and my glands killed.
    Turns out, I had tonsilitis, and also glandular fever.
    Anyway, so I'm better now but it was pretty shit haha.
    You should go to a different doctor and ask for a blood test for glandular, or something.
    Anyway sending you love!

  2. ahh i remeber when i had glandular fever and my glands were massive and all gross and hurty, hope you get better soonxxx

  3. I hate doctors. They don't care to look properly. They just guess!
    I'm sorry that you're feeling so crappy though ): I hope you get better soon honey
