Sunday, January 30, 2011


So it's 39 degrees Celsius which is 102 Fahrenheit i believe. It's really hot. I didn't do Zumba yesterday, feeling quite guilty, but it's too hot to do it and my bungalow doesn't have AC so it's almost like an oven in there.

Don't you hate it when someone with a private numbers calls you and you miss it? Yeah just happened, i'm doing the dishes (blergh) with the music on really loud and i missed a call. AND i bet it was probably something important, like the RTA (Vicroads) or the person who is supposed to call me today to answer any questions i may have about the retail traineeship i was offered.

Oh well, HOPEFULLY they will call back. We shall see.

So, i'm in the process of cleaning, mother in law is out today so im doing some household duties like dishes, washing, general cleaning. EVEN though i did the dishes yesterday. Grr.

So i haven't gained but i haven't lost anything! I never lose, never never never! I was 52.0 yesterday so i did lost a tiny incy bit, but I haven't seen past that weight for a long time. Maybe i need to get my ass into gear and do some kind of kick-off diet. I dont know...

So i have counselling a 2pm today, it's not 12 and i have no way of getting there. I would love to walk but I would come back cooked and looking like a permanent lobster, which doesn't sound all that appealing. I wish i could tan. Whenever i get fake tans I feel skinnier, and sexier. If only if I could get a real one.

I got a new dress yesterday, thankfully there is a chain of womens clothing shops here that have all sizes imaginable. - 'Supre' I don't know if anyone has it overseas though? They go all the way down to xxxs. I was in Valleygirl the other day, and i tried on a size 8 top and it was MASSIVE. I had to get a size 6. (I think that is size 2 ... in America? - IDK) But i'm no where a size 6, maybe a size 8 possibly.

My sister-in-law just turned 10 yesterday and she got a pair of fake jeans from a local store (which look really really cool) and i went to have a look at them and i thought i'd fit the biggest childrens size but i had to go two sizes smaller for it to fit. Clothes are sagging more and more and not fitting right anymore. It's irritating because i can't see the difference in my body.

ANYWAY sorry for the long post,

love you all and thanks for all your comments on my previous post (More are welcome though - I'm curious about what determines whether you are considered bulimic or not)


  1. oh u lucky girl! its getting close to summer, the hot weather should remind u of bikinis! haha and congrats on sagging clothes, lol if u dont see any difference in ur body, then u should start measuring so then u can KNOW uve shrunk. numbers dont lie

    thanks for all the love on my page, truely means alot :)

    but stay strong, i know u can do this hun!

  2. You are tinyyy!
    <3 Stay lovely. x

  3. you sound like me, i feel like im in a never ending cycle of cleaning. i had the same trouble for a while. i wasnt stuck in the limbo of not gaining or losing. you have to trick your metabolism. try boosting or lowering your calories a bit and doubling your exercise. your bod wont no what to do. it probably has you in starvation mode. veggies, fruit, and extra protein (especially eggs) it takes more calories to digest protein than anything else, that should help burn some extra fat. good luck hun!

  4. I know that in the US bulimia can be diagnosed if an individual has at least two binge/purge episodes a week for three months (or something along those lines.

    Take care of yourself, hun.
