Monday, May 30, 2011


I found out Sunday.
I hate food.
I morally could not terminate it, or give it up.
:(  I'm keeping it.

I feel like, a drop-kick 19 year old who managed to get herself pregnant.
People are going to judge me. Lame.


  1. Sweetheart. Big hugs. I was in the same situation as you in January - you're not alone. In the end I terminated it because the cons outweighed the positives, as clinical and horrible that sounds. Have you spoken to the father, and to your parents/his parents? You need support as you've decided to keep it, not the easy path to take. If you want to chat, I'm here.
    If you're serious about keeping it, you need to eat healthily, it's harsh but it's not about you any more, it's about your baby. Good luck xx

  2. I'm sorry to hear that you're disappointed about it, and if no one else, I promise not to judge you or your decisions concerning what to do with it or that you're so young. It's a really big decision, you should talk with some people and really think it over. Keeping it is a huge responsibility. Just know exactly what you're getting yourself into and know that it's exactly what you want!

    Stay strong, we're here for you no matter what. Just take everything one day at a time. <3

  3. Oh love, you are far from everything you throw at yourself; all these terrible words. You're the most beautiful, wonderful girl- I believe in you.
    sometimes things happen, and we have to deal with it; make what happiness we can out of a sudden situation.
    You will be brilliant, no matter what.
